Sunday, April 10, 2011

What happened?

It started with this. The Elf on the Shelf. A lovely pre-Christmas daily hide-n-seek tradition for the children. But, every year, when the Elf comes out things get a bit nutty with all the shopping and wrapping and cooking and prepping.

(and now that I really see this picture, goodness is that dirty. is it less bothersome if you know it is the really high-up windows that you can only reach with a tall ladder or standing tiptoe on the back of a couch?)

Well, it didn't stay dirty for long. Because the Christmas mayhem was immediately followed by the ice dam drama (the elf ledge was more than a little flooded). Then a birthday, and a death day, and FIVE grant submissions, another birthday, and most of a basketball season.

and, WHAT?? it's April?? and we've been in the house a YEAR?

Still love the house. Despite all its drama.

(hi Jen, thanks for the nudge).


JFibers said...

Hi Heather...I will be checking daily now! Hee hee...

Robin Nelson said...

So excited to open my reader and see house845 bold. I've been waiting for a new post too!