Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter, photo'd badly

The sun finally came out!  

 Our place is perfect for an Easter Egg hunt, so we gave it a go (with my 2 sons, and 5 nieces and nephews).  While I have not done a stellar job with the photodocumentation, you can see how busy we have been chopping wood.  If it ever stops raining (and snowing) maybe we will actually get it split and stacked...
 They were on the go!  making photos tough to get.
 Of course, the photos may have been tough to get because I was enjoying holiday morning beverages.

All the males in this family are ball players, so there was a lot of driveway hoops

 While the ladies tended to hang in the house with the newest family additions

AND, as it finally warmed up, I got to wear my new skirt!  my first attempt at something to wear... and now I've got a serious bug to do more!  as in I've already made a second one, and bought patterns and fabric for two dresses.

But, maybe before more sewing I should invest some time in getting my photo mojo back.

1 comment:

JFibers said...

beautiful... the photos, the skirt, the baby, the kids, the eggs... all of it... beautiful!